Saturday, April 10, 2010

Welcome to my new blog. I think the main focus is going to be all of the books, music and movies that pass my way as a librairan. I was recently inspired to start this due to a number of epiphanies that came my way this week

1) After returning form the Public Library Association Conference in March, i had a renewed sense of librarian to customer satisfaction. I could not wait to get back and work again (I know, it's sick!). I had so many program ideas, organization, and book titles to share that I just couldn't keep it to myself.
2) Currently, I am Reading This Book is Overdue- How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All by Marilyn Johnson. The stories contained within are very inspiring and insightful.
3) Well, I just can't shut up! I am a very polarized person. When I LOVE something, I have to talk about it continuously and analyze it to death. It's the same for when I HATE something. There is very little that falls in the middle. I really do try to be fair and the analyzation is my fairness coming through. I will give most things a chance to sway me or redeem themselves.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rants positive or negative. I'll keep it varied and as current as possible. Feedback/Comments are always welcome, as this should be a place to share ideas. It's okay to agree or disagree.


  1. I am reading that book also! But I am sad- I hav eto return it to the library because there are too many holds on it for me to keep it long overdue, and all the holds are other librarians in our system. I think I ill just buy the darn thing, so I can highlight it at will.

  2. A Friend of mine said the author and free copies were available at PLA. How the hell did I miss that booth?
